
What I offer

Questionnaire to Kobo Toolbox

Data Analysis with SPSS & NVivo

Research Report Writing

Website Design

Website Maintenance

SEO & Speed Optimization

What my service will provide

Successfully designed and converted National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) questionnaires to KoBoToolbox, and trained field supervisors and investigators to collect data from almost 2000 respondents across 8 divisions in Bangladesh.


What my service will provide

Successfully completed “10 Days Online Comprehensive Research Training 2020” and “Advanced Research Methodology” for SPSS.

What my service will provide

More than 2 years of professional experience as a Research Assistant (RA) at the Centre For Advanced Social Research (CRAS)

Custom-designed website list

If you’re looking to establish a strong online presence, a custom-designed website is essential. With a custom website, you can showcase your unique brand, provide tailored functionality, and enhance user experiences. It’s an opportunity to stand out from the competition, effectively communicate your message, and deliver a seamless user interface. Invest in a custom-designed website to make a lasting impression and captivate your audience.

Website maintenance tasks

  1. Backups: Regularly back up your website data, including files and databases.
  2. Software updates: Keep your CMS, themes, plugins, and scripts up to date for security and performance.
  3. Security monitoring: Implement firewalls, malware scanning, and SSL certificates to protect your website.
  4. Broken link checks: Scan your website for broken links and fix them for a smooth user experience.
  5. Content updates: Add fresh content, update information, and remove outdated content.
  6. Performance optimization: Optimize speed, compress images, minify code, and enable caching.
  7. SEO monitoring: Conduct keyword research, optimize meta tags, and ensure proper site structure.
  8. User testing: Test functionality, navigation, and usability across devices and browsers.
  9. Analytics monitoring: Track visitor behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates for insights.
  10. Security audits: Regularly assess vulnerabilities and implement necessary updates or enhancements.


Remember, this list serves as a guide for ongoing website maintenance to ensure security, performance, and user satisfaction.

SEO & Speed Optimization Tasks

    1. Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords for your website’s content and incorporate them strategically to improve search engine rankings.

    2. Optimized meta tags: Write compelling and keyword-rich meta titles and descriptions to enhance click-through rates in search engine results.

    3. Site structure optimization: Ensure a logical and user-friendly site structure with organized navigation and clear URL structure for search engine crawlability and user experience.

    4. Mobile responsiveness: Optimize your website to be mobile-friendly and responsive across various devices to improve user experience and search engine rankings.

    5. Image optimization: Compress images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality, improving website loading speed.

    6. Minify code: Remove unnecessary spaces, line breaks, and comments from your website’s code to reduce file size and improve loading speed.

    7. Caching: Enable browser caching to store static files locally, reducing server load and speeding up subsequent page loads for returning visitors.

    8. Content optimization: Create high-quality, engaging content that is valuable to your target audience, incorporating relevant keywords naturally.

    9. Internal linking: Establish internal links between related pages on your website to improve navigation, user experience, and search engine indexing.

    10. Page speed optimization: Monitor and optimize your website’s loading speed by leveraging tools like PageSpeed Insights, and address issues such as large file sizes, render-blocking resources, and server response time.


Remember, SEO and speed optimization are ongoing processes. Regularly monitor your website’s performance, analyze data, and make necessary adjustments to improve search engine visibility and provide a fast, seamless user experience.